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Despite all the headlines warning of ongoing strife across the Middle East, Mr Oliver has experienced “no problems” doing business over there. “But Syria is a negligible market for me,” he admitted. “In Dubai, the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia, the climate for doing business is stable. I’m not forecasting problems for the business, even if the situation does get worse.”

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"[Sailboats] are essentially sort of relics of what human beings used to travel the world for thousands of years and now have been left to be these oddities, in a way," Chandor says. He sailed with his parents' often growing up, but says sailing is "not a part of my current life." For "All Is Lost," what inspired him was seeing sailboats stored up on stilts in the New England shipyards he passed taking the train to and from Providence and New York during the making of "Margin Call."

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