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发布者: Gaston 发布时间: 2021-04-30 18:28:35
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Net income from continuing operations rose to $258 million, or 94 cents per share, from $177 million, or 60 cents per share, a year earlier. Excluding one-time items, the company earned $1.12 per share from continuing operations.

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In recent weeks the number of new infections in people has dropped dramatically, thanks largely, experts say, to the closure by Chinese authorities of many live poultry markets and the summer season. But many virologists fear the human case rate may pick up again with the return of autumn and winter in China.

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发布者: Arnold 发布时间: 2021-04-30 17:47:03
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Republicans are holding their regular summer meeting in a Boston hotel next door to the convention center where Romney delivered his election night concession speech nine months ago. They moved the meeting, originally due to be held in Chicago, to Boston as a show of support after the April 15 bombing of the city's marathon.

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Mr Healey joined 200 other MPs and representatives from Alzheimer’s Society in Portcullis House, Westminster to provide a handwritten statement of planned action to support dementia sufferers and carers.

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British-born celebrity life and career strategist Suzannah Galland also noted that the hoopla surrounding Middleton’s aesthetic “is truly offensive for anyone to exploit a woman’s body, no matter what our condition,” and that it “sends out an empty message that female beauty needs to be redefined.”

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