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发布者: Mya 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:58:01
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发布者: Arthur 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:58:01
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发布者: Sammie 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:56:08
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发布者: Christoper 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:53:35
I saw your advert in the paper <a href="http://elblaugrana.hu/yellow-pill-seroquel-400-qt5v">quetiapine 100 mg get you high</a> He did a number on just about everyone. His bogus Hankenberg story, after all, was just one of his confessions in this episode &ndash; the other was revealing the return of his cancer to Walt Jr. in order to keep him from visiting Hank and Marie. The loathsome close-up of Walt's self-satisfied face as Flynn hugs him after promising to stay by his side without Walt even having had to ask . . . jeez, that should have come with some kind of antibiotic. Similarly, the horrible hug he gave Jesse in the desert only reads as tender until you reflect that he's doing it instead of saying "Yes, I need you to leave town as a favor to me, and if you don't I'll kill you like I killed the only person in this whole mess who actually cared about you." Jesse can't even raise his arms to hug him back. And the less said about Walt's faux-politeness in the Mexican restaurant ("Thank you for coming") the better &ndash; it's so infuriating that Hank can hardly respond without growling.

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发布者: Emmitt 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:51:56
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发布者: Tyron 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:51:55
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发布者: Demarcus 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:50:19
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发布者: Alexis 发布时间: 2021-07-03 03:43:20
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